Thursday, July 21, 2011

having uterine didelphys and finding triplets

So uterine didelphys is when you have 2 uterus' there are many different variations on this, in my case i have 2 uterus with a Fallopian tube to each and a cervix to each.  I have had 2 successful pregnancies in my right uterus, which i assume is the larger one.  I am very lucky to have the children i have, in many cases women with my condition cannot conceive or carry a baby to term because abnormal uterus' are very unpredictable they don't always stretch as much as they need to.

So anyways, I have 2 boys right now a 6yr old and 3yr old, and i dream of having a little husband finally agreed to letting me try again for a baby girl..and it took a few months to get pregnant but i was so happy when i did i jumped up and down and cried tears of joy. 

A few weeks later i made it to the doctor, already knowing I'm high risk and hoping all is well, it was so imperative to me that i make it to the doc asap something was nagging me in the back of the head so at 4 weeks we went, and discovered triplets in my smaller uterus.  I clammed up and got real scared, that fright still wont go away..and not of having 3 babies at once, but the chances of miscarriage are very high they could go at any time.

So i pray everyday and hope that everything is well and become a nervous wreck between doc appts not knowing if they are all ok..i have identical twins and a fraternal third, and i love them so much already.  My OBGYN doesn't ever give me much hope and when i go to my appointments he looks at them for a second on the ultrasound and says oh good there alive, no heart beats horrible "bedside manner" and he gives me no hope of anything, I am seeing a specialist now, and they are wonderful, they of course cant really ease my mind because they know the risks and have to let me know them too but they are just soo much better and treat me as a person and not a damn dog...i mean i know I'm having a litter and i act like a bitch (hormones i swear : P ) but i am not a dog.

So I'm 16 weeks now and i can feel them move around but they wear me out moving is not much fun and my belly is huge already i look like I'm 30weeks not 16 but hey i know there 3 of them, but now after feeling them what would i do if i lose them, how can i have hope?? not many women have this type of abnormality or get prego with trips, people want to tell me it will be fine, but no one really can i just want the doc to be able to tell me its ok i can see the future they will be healthy and beautiful...too bad life doesn't quite work that way no matter how much we all wish it could..i just hope in maybe just this one instance i don't get the raw end of the stick.